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Are cables slowing your down?



Upgrading to a fast charger can make a world of a difference to your refueling speeds, but what if your cable is limiting the benefit of your charger? Using the wrong cable can not only slow down your charging it can also be dangerous to your phone. Today we’re looking at exactly why some cables are fast some are slow.

The theory

Before we kick into the differences, the core thing you need to know is what fast charging really is, essentially it means a higher current is passing from the charger to the phone. The cable provides the medium to transport the electricity. Just like water, the thicker a wire the more it can pump through. Most regular cables have smaller wires that are not rated at fast speeds, hence they can become the invisible bottleneck in your charging ecosystem.

Imagine your charging cable is like a water pipe, and the flow is the current/Amperage. The wider the pipe the faster the charge.

Lets get physical

the ARUN on the right and the regular charging only cable on the left.

We ripped apart a cheap charging cable and our ARUN cable, on the outside they are both black cables but on the inside you can see clearly there is a thicker wire in the ARUNcable.

Here is why some ARUN cables charge

The connectors?

Although the wiring is the primary limitation to the speed, poorly made or weak connectors in the plug can also slow charging in the same way cables do, this us usually easy to spot from the outside.

Getting geeky

Voltage drop is the term used to describe the loss of a wire between two points. Every wire no matter how thick will still have some resistance and therefore voltage drop.

Your device requires a 5V input and your charger delivers 5V at the connection, between your phone and your charger is the cable.

· A larger cable has less resistance so it can carry more power with less voltage drop.

· A thinner cable has more resistance and will have a greater voltage drop.

A slow cable has a high voltage drop that can not reliably pass the full voltage to the device. So your charging becomes slow.

Happy fast charging!